Wednesday, November 19, 2008

A Mixture of Coffee, Poetry and Kerouac at November Meeting

Coffee, poetry and Kerouac filled the air Tuesday evening at the Attoyac Writers' Guild November meeting. As members and visitors gathered at the Attoyac River Gallery, they were greeted to another world - one of poetry and prose - eloquent words from Robert Anderson's original poem "Evergreen" and the fascinating Life and Works of Jack Kerouac presented by Nancy Fox.

Robert Anderson read his original poem "Evergreen" at the guild's first Poetry Reading Night.

Nancy Fox presented Jack Kerouac's Life and Works at the guild meeting, which included an informative discussion on Kerouac's "Essentials of Spontaneous Prose" and on the collection of his autobiographical novels, prose, poetry, buddhist writings and dreams.

Attoyac Writers' Guild members (left to right) Judy Doyle, Nancy Fox and Jolene Busby after the meeting.

Congrats to Tem Morrison for winning the door prize!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Get Ready for Poetry Reading Nights!

Attention all poets! At the organization meeting in October, Lesly Johnson suggested to have the monthly Poetry Reading Nights on the same evening as the regular guild meeting. The group agreed with the proposal; as the membership grows, then an alternative evening will be discussed. Participating members will have the opportunity to be creative by presenting their own original poetry or reading their favorite master poet selections. The first Poetry Reading Night will be held Tuesday, November 18 prior to the topic presentation!