Monday, April 27, 2009

Joan Huff presents the Library at April AWG

Joan Huff, Library Director with the Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library, was the guest speaker at the Attoyac Writers’ Guild on Tuesday, April 21 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Attoyac River Gallery. Huff presented an overview of how the library benefits the community, research material for writers and the future expansion plans for the library.

Thanks Joan for attending the AWG meeting and presenting information on the library!

Poetry Readings and Announcements
Ellen Cogswell shared her original poems with the group. Terri Lacher announced another story has been accepted for publication! Will keep us informed of the details! Andi distributed an article from Fortune magazine regarding the future technology of print publications (magazines and newspaper).

Next Year

The time has arrived to start making plans for AWG 2009-2010! Suzanne distributed a monthly sign-up sheet for members to be monthly program coordinator and plan the meeting. If you are interested, please call or email Suzanne or Andi!

May Meeting News
The last meeting of the 2008-2009 year will be held on Tuesday, May 19 – the topic will be presented by John and Christine McDermott of SFA on Creative Writing.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

March Madness - Open Discussion and Writing Winner Announced

What words were heard at the AWG March meeting - all good words! Poetry, short stories and the results of the in-house writing competition!

And the Winner is...
Congrats to Ed Konderla! He won the writing competition with his work "Untitled" based on a humorous recount from Ed's teenage days. With Ed's permission, we can possibly post on the blog to share with you.

Poetry and Short Stories
Ellen Cogswell shared three of her original poems. Thanks Ellen for sharing your work! Terri Lacher reported on her publication progress and share her submitted story with the group! If you didn't attend the meeting and hear the story first-hand, you will probably have to wait until Terri's story is published! Terri will be notified in June - we can't wait to hear the news! Congrats Terri and thanks for sharing!

New Member
Welcome to our newest AWG member - Rose Deskin!

Plans for Next Year

Suzanne announced possible program plans for the AWG 2009-10 year - all members can participate by arranging the monthly program and by contacting their networking writing sources!

The AWG April 21, 2009 meeting topic will be presented by Joan Huff, librarian at the Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library; based on confirmation, the May 19th meeting can possibly present John and Christine McDermott, associated with SFA in creative writing.