Friday, May 29, 2009

AWG Meeting hosts the McDermotts - Editing and Preparing Creative Work

The Presentation
Christine and John McDermott, assistant professors at Stephen F. Austin (SFA) State University, were guest speakers at the Attoyac Writers’ Guild meeting held Tuesday, May 19 at the Attoyac River Gallery. The McDermotts presented perspectives and discussion on editing and preparing creative work for submissions and publication.
Christine Butterworth-McDermott (M.A., Ph.D., Purdue University) is an Assistant Professor of English at SFA, where she teaches courses in poetry, literature, and fairy tales. She is also the editor-in-chief of SFA’s national literary journal REAL: Regarding Arts & Letters. Her poetry and fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in Beloit Fiction Journal, Bellowing Ark, Cabinet de Fées, California Quarterly, Magazine of Speculative Poetry, North Atlantic Review, Portland Review, Rattle, Slipstream, and Tales of the Unanticipated.
John A. McDermott (B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.A., Marquette University; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) is an Assistant Professor of English at Stephen F. Austin State University, where he directs the Creative Writing Program. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Clarkesworld Magazine, Cimarron Review, Cream City Review, Natural Bridge, Meridian, The Southeast Review, and elsewhere. He is also fiction editor of the journal, REAL.
The Poetry
Ellen Cogswell shared her original poetry with the group! Thanks Ellen! The AWG welcomes members and visitors to share their original or favorite poetry during the meetings!

The Attendance
Great crowd ~ 21 AWG members, LAAL members, visitors and guests attended the May meeting!
The Winner
David Masterson won the door prize - an original painting by our very own artist and poet - Ellen Cogswell! Congrats David and thanks Ellen for the donation!

More Meeting Photos

The AWG will begin the 2009-2010 year on Tuesday, September 15 ~ the new calendar will be posted soon!

Please keep in touch over the summer months and let us know if you have any news or suggestions to post on the blog!

We are anxiously waiting for Terri's news on her publication this summer!

Happy Writing Everyone! See you in September!

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