Tuesday, November 17, 2009

An October Evening with Joe Lansdale

The Attoyac River Gallery on the downtown Center square was the place to be on Tuesday, October 20 for An Evening with award winning and champion Mojo storyteller, Joe Lansdale.

Lansdale shared with the AWG members his background and his succcessful writing career. According to Lansdale, a writer should set aside a specific amount of time every day, usually at the same time, to devote to your craft; important to write every day; write for yourself; and believe in yourself.

Lansdale has written hundreds of horror, western, mystery and suspense stories and more than a dozen novels - his work has appeared in different media formats including books, film, television and comics. His novels include Sunset and Sawdust, Lost Echoes, and Leather Maiden. His latest Hap and Leonard novel, Vanilla Ride, was release earlier this year. Lansdale has received the British Fantasy Award, the American Mystery Award, the Edgar Award, the Grinzane Cavour Prize for Literature, and seven Bram stoker Awards.

Lansdale lives in Nacogdoches, Texas, with his wife, Karen, writer and editor.

Discover more about Lansdale and his bibliography at www.joerlansdale.com/bio.

The AWG appreciates Joe Lansdale accepting our invitation to attend the October meeting as our special guest speaker! Thank you Mr. Lansdale!

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