Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Creative Resources for Writers - Joan Huff and the AWG November Program

Joan Huff, Executive Director with Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library, will present Creative Resources for Writers at the Attoyac Writers’ Guild meeting on Tuesday, November 17 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Attoyac River Gallery, located on Shelbyville Street, downtown Center square. Huff’s presentation will include writing resources on the Internet, journal and blog writing and electronic books.

An October Evening with Joe Lansdale

The Attoyac River Gallery on the downtown Center square was the place to be on Tuesday, October 20 for An Evening with award winning and champion Mojo storyteller, Joe Lansdale.

Lansdale shared with the AWG members his background and his succcessful writing career. According to Lansdale, a writer should set aside a specific amount of time every day, usually at the same time, to devote to your craft; important to write every day; write for yourself; and believe in yourself.

Lansdale has written hundreds of horror, western, mystery and suspense stories and more than a dozen novels - his work has appeared in different media formats including books, film, television and comics. His novels include Sunset and Sawdust, Lost Echoes, and Leather Maiden. His latest Hap and Leonard novel, Vanilla Ride, was release earlier this year. Lansdale has received the British Fantasy Award, the American Mystery Award, the Edgar Award, the Grinzane Cavour Prize for Literature, and seven Bram stoker Awards.

Lansdale lives in Nacogdoches, Texas, with his wife, Karen, writer and editor.

Discover more about Lansdale and his bibliography at www.joerlansdale.com/bio.

The AWG appreciates Joe Lansdale accepting our invitation to attend the October meeting as our special guest speaker! Thank you Mr. Lansdale!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Attoyac Writers’ Guild presents An Evening with Champion Mojo Storyteller Joe R. Lansdale

Center, TX – Highly-regarded and award winning champion Mojo storyteller Joe R. Lansdale will be the guest speaker at the Attoyac Writers’ Guild on Tues., Oct. 20 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Attoyac River Gallery, located on Shelbyville Street, downtown Center square. Lansdale has written hundreds of horror, western, mystery and suspense stories that have appeared in a variety of mediums including books, film, television and comics.

Where does Mojo storytelling come from? How does a fella learn to spin over-the-top yarns of any sort: horror, suspense, humor, science fiction, Western, what have you? First you got to see the world, like champion Mojo storyteller Joe R. Lansdale, who has lived everywhere from Gladewater, Texas to Mount Enterprise, Texas to Nacogdoches, Texas!

"Texas is so wrapped up in myth and legend, it’s hard to know what the state and its people are really about," says Lansdale. "Real Texans, raised on these myths and legends, sometimes become legends themselves. The bottom line is, Texas and its people are pretty much what most people mean when they use the broader term ‘America.’ No state better represents the independent spirit, the can-do attitude of America, better than Texas."

The second ingredient to good Mojo storytelling is learning how to take a punch. Or a kick. Or a poke in the eye. And then learning how to avoid them. Lansdale is a student of the martial arts for more than thirty years. He’s a two-time inductee into the International Martial Arts Hall of Fame, one such honor bestowed upon him for his founding of Shen Chuan, Martial Science. He holds belts in Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu, Combat Hapkido, American Combat Kempo, and Aikido, amongst others; in fact, his standard day is six hours at the typewriter, three hours at Lansdale’s Self Defense Systems, the martial-arts studio which he owns and at which he teaches.

With more than twenty books to his credit, Lansdale is the champion Mojo storyteller. He’s been called "an immense talent" by Booklist; "a born storyteller" by Robert Bloch; and The New York Times Book Review declares he has "a folklorist’s eye for telling detail and a front-porch raconteur’s sense of pace." He’s won umpty-ump awards, including five Bram Stoker horror awards, a British Fantasy Award, the American Mystery Award, the Horror Critics Award, the "Shot in the Dark" International Crime Writer’s award, the Booklist Editor’s Award, the Critic’s Choice Award, and a New York Times Notable Book award. He’s got the most decorated mantle in all of Nacogdoches!

Lansdale lives in Nacogdoches, Texas, with his wife, Karen, writer and editor.
Discover more about Lansdale and his bibliography at www.joerlansdale.com/bio.

The overall mission of the Attoyac Writers' Guild is to provide a forum of support and information to both aspiring and experienced writers and poets, to create a circle of assistance to those interested with marketing their literary works for publication, and to establish a peer network for writing improvements, discussions and critiques.

The Attoyac Writers’ Guild meets every third Tuesday evening September through May. Details for joining or participating in the writers’ guild can be obtained by contacting Program Coordinators, Suzanne Walker, 936.591.1655 or Andi Foster, 936.590.0298, or by visiting the guild’s blog at http://attoyacwritersguild.blogspot.com/.

The Lakes Area Arts League is a non-profit organization established to promote interest and knowledge of all areas of the visual and performing fine arts through education and appreciation while enhancing the culture and tourism of the community and surrounding areas.

Friday, September 11, 2009

The Attoyac Writers’ Guild begins second season

Center, Texas – Sept. 10, 2009 – The Attoyac Writers’ Guild, an art of writing program developed through the Lakes Area Arts League, begins their second season on Tues., Sept. 15 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Attoyac River Gallery, located on the downtown Center square.

Upcoming writing topics for 2009-2010 include An Evening with Joe Lansdale on Tue., Oct. 20 and an Electronic Writing presentation by Joan Huff, Library Director with the local Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library, on Tue., Nov. 17, both programs beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Attoyac River Gallery. Discover more information on Lansdale and a list of his publications by visiting his website at www.joerlansdale.com/bio.

Last year, the guild hosted a variety of writing topics with guest speakers from the Stephen F. Austin (SFA) State University Department of English and Philosophy, which included Jack Kerouac’s Life and Works presented by Nancy Fox, lecturer, writing program director and guild member; What Riding A Bicycle Taught Me About Writing by Dr. Daryl Farmer, assistant professor and author; and Editing and Preparing Creative Work for Submissions and Publication with Dr. John McDermott, assistant professor and creative writing program director and Dr. Christine McDermott, assistant professor and editor-in-chief of SFA’s national literary journal REAL. Other programs presented by guild members included a Writing Workshop conducted by Nancy Dickerson and Joan Huff presented an overview on How a Library benefits Your Community.

The overall mission of the Attoyac Writers' Guild is to provide a forum of support and information to both aspiring and experienced writers and poets, to create a circle of assistance to those interested with marketing their literary works for publication, and to establish a peer network for writing improvements, discussions and critiques. Monthly topics include providing information on educational opportunities to attend writing conferences and classes, presenting guest speakers, offering writing competitions and hosting informal roundtable discussions on various literary genres. In addition, the Attoyac Writers’ Guild hosts Poetry Readings at the meetings by providing a forum and allowing participants the opportunity to be creative by presenting their own original poetry or a selection from a master poet.
The Attoyac Writers’ Guild meets every third Tuesday evening September through May. Details for joining or participating in the writers’ guild can be obtained by contacting Program Coordinators, Andi Foster, 936.590.0298 or Suzanne Walker, 936.591.1655, via email at laal@ndemand.com or by visiting the guild’s blog at http://attoyacwritersguild.blogspot.com/.

The Lakes Area Arts League is a non-profit organization established to promote interest and knowledge of all areas of the visual and performing fine arts through education and appreciation while enhancing the culture and tourism of the community and surrounding areas.


Wednesday, July 8, 2009

AWG 2009-2010 Year begins September 15, 2009

Hope everyone enjoyed the presentation by John and Christine McDermott at the May Attoyac Writers' Guild meeting and the presentation by Joan Hufff at our April meeting!

Thanks to all AWG guest speakers for 2008-2009! And, special thanks to Ellen Cogswell for donating the door prize at our May meeting! David Masterson was the winner ~ see photos below!

Plans are underway for AWG 2009-2010 ~ the next scheduled meeting is Tuesday, September 15, 2009 ~ thanks to those for signing up for a monthly AWG program next year ~ Suzanne Walker is coordinating the list, which will soon be emailed and posted ~ please contact Suzanne with your topic or any revisions/updates to include on the program calendar ~

Has your work been accepted for publication? What are you currently working on? Are you attending a writing conference this summer? If you have announcements, news or suggestions you want to share with the group, please email your note to me and I will post on our AWG blog for you ~ thanks!

Check out the details on the website link below - contest is sponsored by Real Simple magazine - Entry Deadline: September 7, 2009 ~ 1500 word maximum

The Second-Annual Life Lessons Contest (Source: Following copied from Real Simple on-line)
When did you realize that you had become a grown-up? Perhaps it was when you first paid taxes or met your son’s first girlfriend. Whether the experience was difficult, funny, easy, or bittersweet, share your lesson and you could win. Enter Real Simple’s second-annual Life Lessons essay contest and you could have your essay published in Real Simple; win round-trip tickets for two to New York City, hotel accommodations for two nights, tickets to a Broadway play, and a lunch with Real Simple editors; and receive a prize of $3,000.

Here is the website ~

Have a good summer ~ happy writing!


Friday, May 29, 2009

AWG Meeting hosts the McDermotts - Editing and Preparing Creative Work

The Presentation
Christine and John McDermott, assistant professors at Stephen F. Austin (SFA) State University, were guest speakers at the Attoyac Writers’ Guild meeting held Tuesday, May 19 at the Attoyac River Gallery. The McDermotts presented perspectives and discussion on editing and preparing creative work for submissions and publication.
Christine Butterworth-McDermott (M.A., Ph.D., Purdue University) is an Assistant Professor of English at SFA, where she teaches courses in poetry, literature, and fairy tales. She is also the editor-in-chief of SFA’s national literary journal REAL: Regarding Arts & Letters. Her poetry and fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in Beloit Fiction Journal, Bellowing Ark, Cabinet de Fées, California Quarterly, Magazine of Speculative Poetry, North Atlantic Review, Portland Review, Rattle, Slipstream, and Tales of the Unanticipated.
John A. McDermott (B.A., University of Wisconsin-Madison; M.A., Marquette University; Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) is an Assistant Professor of English at Stephen F. Austin State University, where he directs the Creative Writing Program. His stories have appeared or are forthcoming in Alaska Quarterly Review, Clarkesworld Magazine, Cimarron Review, Cream City Review, Natural Bridge, Meridian, The Southeast Review, and elsewhere. He is also fiction editor of the journal, REAL.
The Poetry
Ellen Cogswell shared her original poetry with the group! Thanks Ellen! The AWG welcomes members and visitors to share their original or favorite poetry during the meetings!

The Attendance
Great crowd ~ 21 AWG members, LAAL members, visitors and guests attended the May meeting!
The Winner
David Masterson won the door prize - an original painting by our very own artist and poet - Ellen Cogswell! Congrats David and thanks Ellen for the donation!

More Meeting Photos

The AWG will begin the 2009-2010 year on Tuesday, September 15 ~ the new calendar will be posted soon!

Please keep in touch over the summer months and let us know if you have any news or suggestions to post on the blog!

We are anxiously waiting for Terri's news on her publication this summer!

Happy Writing Everyone! See you in September!

Monday, April 27, 2009

Joan Huff presents the Library at April AWG

Joan Huff, Library Director with the Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library, was the guest speaker at the Attoyac Writers’ Guild on Tuesday, April 21 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Attoyac River Gallery. Huff presented an overview of how the library benefits the community, research material for writers and the future expansion plans for the library.

Thanks Joan for attending the AWG meeting and presenting information on the library!

Poetry Readings and Announcements
Ellen Cogswell shared her original poems with the group. Terri Lacher announced another story has been accepted for publication! Will keep us informed of the details! Andi distributed an article from Fortune magazine regarding the future technology of print publications (magazines and newspaper).

Next Year

The time has arrived to start making plans for AWG 2009-2010! Suzanne distributed a monthly sign-up sheet for members to be monthly program coordinator and plan the meeting. If you are interested, please call or email Suzanne or Andi!

May Meeting News
The last meeting of the 2008-2009 year will be held on Tuesday, May 19 – the topic will be presented by John and Christine McDermott of SFA on Creative Writing.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

March Madness - Open Discussion and Writing Winner Announced

What words were heard at the AWG March meeting - all good words! Poetry, short stories and the results of the in-house writing competition!

And the Winner is...
Congrats to Ed Konderla! He won the writing competition with his work "Untitled" based on a humorous recount from Ed's teenage days. With Ed's permission, we can possibly post on the blog to share with you.

Poetry and Short Stories
Ellen Cogswell shared three of her original poems. Thanks Ellen for sharing your work! Terri Lacher reported on her publication progress and share her submitted story with the group! If you didn't attend the meeting and hear the story first-hand, you will probably have to wait until Terri's story is published! Terri will be notified in June - we can't wait to hear the news! Congrats Terri and thanks for sharing!

New Member
Welcome to our newest AWG member - Rose Deskin!

Plans for Next Year

Suzanne announced possible program plans for the AWG 2009-10 year - all members can participate by arranging the monthly program and by contacting their networking writing sources!

The AWG April 21, 2009 meeting topic will be presented by Joan Huff, librarian at the Fannie Brown Booth Memorial Library; based on confirmation, the May 19th meeting can possibly present John and Christine McDermott, associated with SFA in creative writing.

Friday, March 13, 2009

AWG March Meeting Rescheduled!

The AWG March meeting has been rescheduled until Tuesday, March 31 at 6:30 p.m. at our regular meeting place, the Attoyac River Gallery, on the downtown Center square. The meeting will be a general roundtable discussion on your topics of choice (please bring your material), a review of the in-house competition writing essays and poetry readings.

Friday, March 6, 2009

AWG hosts Dr. Daryl Farmer at February meeting

What does riding a bicycle have in common with writing? Dr. Daryl Farmer answered that question and more to aspiring writers at the Attoyac Writers' Guild meeting on February 17 with his topic presentation "What Riding a Bicycle Taught Me about Writing."

Farmer, assistant professor with Stephen F. Austin State University's Department of English and Philosophy, shared his experiences and passages from his book Bicycling beyond the Divide to the attentive group of 20. He also shared creative points to consider when writing: (1) Keep a journal and write everyday. Set aside time to write down your thoughts.(2) Sensory details and more details. Keep an open mind to the world around you. (3) Listen to people - everyone has a story to tell. (4) Taking risks. (5) Perseverance - discipline yourself. (6) Empathy can be considered the most important tool for a writer. Make an effort to understand others without being judgmental. Learn about people when you travel.

More information on Farmer can be discovered by scrolling down to the February blog post or by visiting his website at www.darylfarmer.com/.

Poetry Readings

Ellen Cogswell (first photo) and Terri Lacher (second photo) shared their original poems with the group prior to Dr. Farmer's presentation. Ellen read "The Sky as a Stage" and "The Fate of a Penny" and Terri read "Whispers in the Night" and "Time is the Element." Thanks for sharing your wonderful work!

March Meeting & In-House Writing Competition Judging
The next meeting will be a general roundtable discussion and a review of the in-house competition writing essays. The meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 17 - the location will be announced prior to the meeting since this is during Spring Break. Watch your emails and blog posting updates!

AWG members and visitors with Dr. Daryl Farmer (center-back) after the meeting.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Dr. Daryl Farmer to present February Topic

Dr. Daryl Farmer, assistant professor with Stephen F. Austin State University’s Department of English and Philosophy, will be guest speaker at the Attoyac Writers’ Guild on Tuesday, Feb. 17 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Attoyac River Gallery, located on Shelbyville Street, downtown Center square. Farmer will discuss his own personal writing process and experiences with his topic "What Riding a Bicycle Taught Me about Writing."

Daryl Farmer's recent work has appeared or is forthcoming in South Dakota Review, The Laurel Review, Isotope, Quarter After Eight and Prairie Schooner. He received a B.A. in physical education from Adams State College (Alamosa, Colorado) and an M.A. and Ph.D. in English and creative writing from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He is also a graduate of the Rocky Mountain School of Photography.

Farmer was born in Colorado Springs at the foot of the Rocky Mountains where he developed a love for the outdoors and a taste for the open road. He set off on his first bicycle tour in 1985, and has been roaming the country ever since, photographing and writing about the land and its people. Early in his teaching career, he coached high school basketball in Colorado and New Mexico. He has since lived and worked in a variety of places including Oregon, New Hampshire, Mississippi and Alaska, where he taught in the Athabascan village of Nondalton.

In addition to bicycle touring, he has kayaked in the San Juan Islands and off the coast of Maine, backpacked the Copper Canyon in Mexico, canoed the Macal River in Belize and winter camped in Alaska’s Denali National Park. Farmer has taught writing and literature at the University of Nebraska and the Georgia Institute of Technology. He is currently an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas where he lives with his wife, Joan. Bicycling beyond the Divide is his first book.

More information on Farmer can be discovered by visiting his website at http://www.darylfarmer.com/.

Nancy Dickerson held Writing Workshop at January Guild Meeting

Everyone needs writing tips when perfecting their craft and Nancy Dickerson came to rescue with her Writing Workshop at the January meeting. Nancy shared four simple points to remember when writing - (1) Specificity: Be concise with your word choice. Be specific. Use words to form mental pictures for your readers. (2) Oh, the Words: Make a collection list of words and categorize your words. (3) The Education of the Eye: How a writer approaches a subject is based on the individual. (4) Show, Don't Tell: Your word choice sets the tone for the reader. Good writing shows - it doesn't tell. Don't give your reader everything, but pull them in to the story to use their imagination. Along with each writing point, Nancy shared writing passages and examples from several books and authors.

Poetry Readings

Poetry Readings were presented by Ellen Cogswell with her original poems, "The Little White School House" and "Saturday Night Ritual." Vonda Anderson read Robert Anderson's poem creation "Goblin Town" and Nancy Dickerson read "Ode to the Computer." Thanks for sharing your work with the group!

In-House Writing Competition

Suzanne Walker announced an in-house writing competition for the guild members, which runs from January 20 to February 17, 2009. Here are the rules! The competition theme is "a humorous recount of a personal happening." The essay has a two page limit and must be double spaced, typewritten text on white office paper. Participants can submit their essays anonymously to the guild two days prior to the February 17 meeting or bring to the meeting. The mailing address is Lakes Area Arts League, Attoyac Writers' Guild, P O Box 308, Center, TX 75935. At the February meeting, a date will be decided when to review the submitted work. Questions, please contact Suzanne 936.591.1655 or Andi 936.590.0298.

And the Winner is...

Robert Anderson won the door prize! Congrats Robert!

Thanks to our evening hosts, Tresa and Ed Konderla, for allowing the guild to meet at their gallery, Attoyac River Gallery!

February Meeting

Dr. Daryl Farmer, assistant professor with Stephen F. Austin State University’s Department of English and Philosophy, will be guest speaker at the Attoyac Writers’ Guild on Tuesday, Feb. 17 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Attoyac River Gallery. Farmer will discuss his own personal writing process and experiences with his topic "What Riding a Bicycle Taught Me about Writing." More information on Farmer can be discovered by visiting his website at http://www.darylfarmer.com/.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Writing Workshop at January Meeting

The January guild meeting topic will be a hands-on Writing Workshop, presented by Nancy Dickerson, on Tuesday, January 20, 2009 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Attoyac River Gallery. Nancy currently teaches creative writing at Center High School with over 20 years experience in both English and art. In addition, she is a teaching consultant for the National Writing Project and conducts writing-based workshops for school districts.

Thursday, January 8, 2009

December Guild Meeting Held with Christmas and Poetry Readings

It was a cold and rainy night on Tuesday, December 16 with the Christmas holidays lurking around the corner...but eight members placed shopping aside for an hour, braved the weather and attended the December meeting to hear special poetry and Christmas readings!

Poetry Readings were presented by Jolene Busby with her original poems “Reminders” and “The Gift" and Ellen Cogswell presented three of her original poems “If,” “Christmas Memory” and “Backward Look.” Nancy Fox presented the Christmas reading, The Gift of Story, written by Clarissa Pinkola Estes, Ph.D. (Cue the applause for Jolene, Ellen and Nancy!)

Discover more about the background and writings of Clarissa Pinkola Estes at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Clarissa_Pinkola_Est%C3%A9s and http://www.mavenproductions.com/estes.html. Click on the Amazon link for a list of her books

Meeting attendees included Jolene Busby, Robert Anderson, Vonda Anderson, Ellen Cogswell, Andi Foster, Danny Foster and Ed Konderla. Special appreciation to Jolene, Ellen and Nancy for sharing their readings! As always, thanks to Ed and Tresa Konderla for hosting the meeting at their gallery!

Nancy Dickerson will present a Writing Workshop at the Tuesday, January 20, 2009 meeting beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Attoyac River Gallery on the square! Bring your journal and prepare to take notes!